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Why PTA?

What's in it for schools?

PTAs promote the building of a broad base of parent and community involvement. When parents and community members work as equal partners to improve schools, it is shown that positive results include:

  • Upgraded school facilities

  • Improved school leadership and staffing

  • Resources to improve teaching and the curriculum

  • Funding for after-school programs and family supports

  • Higher-quality learning programs

What's in it for students?

Thirty years of research prove that students do better when parents are involved. No matter what their income or background, students are more likely to:

  • Earn higher grades and test scores

  • Enroll in higher-level programs

  • Be promoted, pass their classes and earn credits

  • Attend school regularly

  • Have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school

  • Graduate and go on to post-secondary education.

How I can support PTA?
  1. BECOME A MEMBER: By simply joining PTA, you are advocating on behalf of all children (including your own!). No additional commitment is required.

  2. DONATE: Any amount you can give helps our school. Every dollar we raise goes into programs and services for our KIDS! 

  3. VOLUNTEER: There's a lot we can do together! Even one hour of time can help make an event great. Bring a friend and make new friends.


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